Being able to ask myself, “Who do I want to be in this situation?” and having some learnings to turn to have been powerful for me.

81 and Still Learning

Kathryn Cameron believes every life is a story that one can learn from. She explores her learnings from others as applied to her life. Much of her learning about leadership took place after she retired, and it is her intent at eighty-one years of age to share the learnings that may be of value to others at an earlier time in their life, including her grandchildren. Her musings on subject areas such as pro-choice and pro-life, the LGBTQ community, and faith are thought-provoking. Her memories of her life growing up are sure to entertain and to communicate to the grandchildren who this person is and was.

One of the greatest temptations of, and dangers to, success is to expand too quickly. It also occurs to me that too often we believe anything is possible by spending a lot of money no matter how complex the task.